Understanding Sovereignty

Imagine a beautiful old tree that is 14,000 years old (at least), this is Indigenous Sovereignty. Imagine a twig upon that tree, that has been growing for just over 500 years, this is British North American, now Canadian Sovereignty, a part of Indigenous Sovereignty. Canada, as a Nation, is simply a leaf upon this tree, an expression of that twig, of a branch, the trunk and it’s roots. Each season, each generation, defines the colour and the shape of this leaf, it does change.

The root problem in Canada is that Canadians believe their leaf, the Nation of Canada, is the entire tree, it’s not. Canadians need to appreciate that Canada is simply one leaf upon a tree that has given them life upon this land. When Canadians appreciate this truth, the leaf and the tree will both be healthier and happier because both will provide for and draw strength from the other, because both, are in fact, part of the same one tree, one earth, one world.

Please take a moment to consider this truth and how you can integrate this insight into your life and personal relationships with Indigenous Peoples, you will be proud you did.