3 MPs

The Honourable Carolyn Bennett

Response received: June 14, 2017 – 11.52 a.m. (PT)

Dear Mr. Board:

I am writing on behalf of The Honourable Carolyn Bennett in response to your email of June 7, 2017, concerning issues of Indigenous sovereignty and the Parliament of Canada’s June 6, 2017, vote on the Opposition Motion (Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion Project).

The Prime Minister has committed to a renewed relationship with Indigenous Peoples, one based on the recognition of rights, respect, co-operation, and partnership. In support of this, the Government has created permanent bilateral mechanisms with the Assembly of First Nations and First Nations, the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the four Inuit Nunangat Regions, and the Métis National Council and its governing members. An Interim Board of Directors is being established to make recommendations on the creation of a National Council for Reconciliation. The Interim Board will begin an engagement process to develop recommendations on the scope and mandate of the National Council. The Government has also provided $10 million to support the important work of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation located at the University of Manitoba, as recommended in Call to Action 78. This contribution will help to ensure that the history and legacy of Canada’s residential school system is remembered.

Yours sincerely,

Sheilagh Murphy

Assistant Deputy Minister,

Lands and Economic Developments

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada / Tel: 819-997-0114

Sous-ministre adjointe

Terres et développement économique

Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada / Tél: 819-997-0114

Hedy Fry

Response received: June 13, 2017 – 2.14 p.m. (PT)

Dear Mr. Board,

Thank you for writing to me with regard to the Kinder Morgan approval.

For 23 years as the Member of Parliament for Vancouver Centre and also ‎as a Member of Cabinet I passionately represented the views of my constituents to Ottawa.

I was therefore pleased when my government re-opened the Kitsilano Coast Guard base and expanded its environmental response capacity in partnership with First Nations.

I was very pleased that the Northern Gateway project has been rejected and a ban on crude oil tanker traffic on the Northwest Coast will be put into law. This builds on our recently announced Oceans Protection Plan and preserves the Great Bear Rain Forest and Sea for future generations.

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, a large number‎ of my constituents and First Nations in the area made arguments opposing the Kinder Morgan pipeline and tanker traffic. I relayed those arguments to the Prime Minister and Ministers responsible for this decision, as did many of my BC colleagues. Obviously the Cabinet weighed ‎the benefits and risks, and the national interest, and made their decision. I am disappointed with that decision.

I am committed to ensuring that the 157 conditions are implemented by Kinder Morgan as required under law. With your help we will monitor this project to ensure compliance with these regulations.

I am also proud of and will work to support the implementation of our government’s Oceans Protection Plan, which was announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in November 2016. Following ten years under the Harper government this plan was long overdue. Our plan provides $1.5 billion to improve marine safety, guide responsible shipping, and protect Canada’s marine environments.

I look forward to working with you to protect our marine environment and to implement a strong environmental strategy.


Hon. Hedy Fry, P.C., M.P.

Vancouver Centre

Mélanie Joly

Communication received: June 13, 2017 – 11.18 a.m. (PT

Melanie’s communication was in the form of a PDF, which can be viewed by clicking here.