Common fears about Indigenous Sovereignty

The Circle of Sovereignty has identified and heard multiple variations of these common fears about Indigenous Sovereignty. Fear is part of the human condition, as is compassion, understanding and love. We encourage every Canadian to read this list, consider these common fears and the TRUTHS which dispel them. Please discuss them with your family and friends so that we can all move beyond them.

1) If Canada recognizes Indigenous Sovereignty, Canada is finished.
A: Not true.

2) It’s either Canadian Sovereignty or Indigenous Sovereignty, we can’t have both.
A: We already have both, you are just having an issue recognizing and upholding the truth of Indigenous Sovereignty.

3) They should integrate and stop complaining.
A: Indigenous people have lived here for over 14,000 years, 27 times longer than Canadians. They have been very patient with us.

4) If we recognize Indigenous Sovereignty Canadian prosperity will decline.
A: Not true, we will ALL be more prosperous.

5) How many First Nations are there now?!
A: The traditional Indigenous Nations are those that are considered Indigenous Sovereign Nations. Individual clans and peoples are an integral and important part of each of these Indigenous Sovereign Nations.

6) They were conquered, they should just accept it.
A: Indigenous people were never conquered, their land was never ceded. Indigenous Warriors fought with the British against the Americans to secure us a place upon their land. Without their sacrifice there is no Canada.

7) Only Queen Elizabeth II is Sovereign.
A: Sovereignty is a concept that is Global and not exclusively related to monarchy. Sovereignty is an acceptance that a Nation and the peoples of a land are one through ancestry. It is an acceptance that a Nation is self-determining, self-governing, FREE to decide it’s own destiny. Recognition of Sovereignty is the highest level of respect. Recognition of Sovereignty is ultimately about love and viewing your neighbour with the highest degree of honour.

8) Why should I care about this thing Sovereignty?
A: When a People’s sovereignty is denied either explicitly or implicitly it grants permission to oppression to operate. The implicit denial of Indigenous Sovereignty, that is widespread across Canada, is the direct CAUSE of MMIW, Police brutality, hate speech, assaults, destruction of lands and all other forms of oppression upon Indigenous people.

9) If I recognize and uphold Indigenous Sovereignty, then what?
A: The land registry system needs to be jointly managed. There needs to be a new joint parliament within which all Nations have an equal place at the table. Canadians will need to accept that they are Citizens of both Canada and the Indigenous Nation they live within. Indigenous peoples will remain welcome as Canadian Citizens as well as being Indigenous Sovereign Nation Citizens.

10) How can Sovereign Nations live next to each other, will there be big walls and barbed wire fences?
A: There are many Nations which are actually a Nation of Nations. The United Kingdom for example, includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are no walls or passport borders between these peoples. Nobody here is saying that there should be big walls or barbed wire fences. People are just saying we need more respect for each other’s Sovereignty, culture and language. This will be very healthy for everyone.

11) Do you recognize and uphold Indigenous Sovereignty?

12) Do Indigenous people already know that they are Indigenous Sovereign Peoples of Indigenous Sovereign Nations?

A: Yes, of course they do.