
Below are the names of people who contributed their ideas to the Settlers info project, in the early development stage, before the Web site was live. If you click on their names you will see some of their thoughts and comments.

Real Action Now.

Well this is definitely a real step towards true reconciliation. I know it will be a very humbling learning experience for everyone that get’s involved both Settler and “Indian” people alike….. On a personal note this is very humbling.

Good Work. Charge!

Once you have a few contacts I’d suggest just heading out to a reserve or area you are interested in and start hanging out let people know who you are and what you’re interested in, take some time, participate in basic activities, listen. Most of the cultures around here are based on generosity, so be appreciative, gifting information and stories may be seen as more valuable than things. Cool project.

Really awesome work peoples!

I found the video explaining the situation with Queens agreement with native lands across canada really interesting. The settlers website is so informative and great to share with everyone.

I think this is wonderful. I am half settler and the more information we can get out there, the better.

i had an idea lemme show you : take the number of first nations (like whole nations) in canada. i found data saying it was over 600, but an exact number would be needed. so lets say its 624. then add 1 for the inuit nation and 1 each for the french and english nations. so total number of nations in canada would be 627. Then he could call his group alliance627 or even just 627. it represents every nation in canada being represented equally. 627 could be branded onto shirts/hats/etc for people who wanted to support the group. it could catch on. it could even become newspeak for “canada” if it got really popular. just an idea.

Yeah Union of BC Indian Chiefs, would be great and local Bands in Van area, Eastside Women’s group and I’m fn, will help too anytime!

Far out; thanks for the invite!

Love this and will use it as a resource in my work – THANK YOU!!

if you haven’t already thought of listing ‘types of settlers’ by how/why we came here please consider? colonists, traders, forced exile, immigrants, refugees, temporary workers, live-in nannies, students who stayed… stories of their journey would be good too.

My family settled in Canada in 1673 from France and i have acquired first nations blood along the way and i am proud of this heritage.
Frist nations have been bullied by the British from day 1 and this mind set has carried on through our history with our own governments. It is time to put a stop to this and show respect.

Story, video link, article link: Thanks to a respected Coast Salish Facebook ‘friend’, I have discovered this blog, which offers much of value to settlers struggling to decolonize and become useful allies in solidarity with Indigenous peoples upon whose territories we are trespassers.
Thanks for this and thanks for doing the SettlersInfo site, Jeremy.
Keep up the good work!

Thanks for including me, Louise. Looks like a great group. : )

I personally feel that it is essential to also articulate routes for building solidarity – rather than allowing privilege to be dwelt on in an objectifying way. We need to find ways that all ethnicities can build a constitutional framework that will allow for authentic rights and genuine social solidarity. I have raised on other FB pages the fact that this process requires public interest groups to lay out what exactly they would organize around on these matters. I have provided the example of the Council of Canadians in 2013 passing a resolution on constitutional development that would invite Indigenous groups to take the lead in the finalization process of the constitution – in ways that articulate authentic, culturally-based conceptions of rights that precede colonial times. I would ask that we compile all the action documents from all public interest groups across Canada that illustrate what civil society see as possible ways for repairing the Settler role in Canada.

Yes we must address the uncomfortable to get to the comfortable….truth! Sounds and looks awesome, great job. All need to be a part of truth healing, to really get it……before can get to true reconciliation…..I can help too, can pm…closer to live date ty

As a “Settler” I love this Great idea!

I was raised and taught that white people were right to lay claim on this vast land, any other perspective was never introduced, never thought of until I was an adult and learning what I should have been taught for myself. I am taking steps so that my daughters know from the start where we came from, who was here first, how our privilege is meant to be used to support those without it and to live with and co-exist with those around us. My children have been taught since birth these things and then taught all over again as I learn too. This site, this page, this movement is so important for that learning.

Do we want to promote the website in a bigger way at some point . We can start posting it everywhere if we do it in a coordinated way so we all share the same message i can see it being popular in other countries too and we might nead an international section at some point .i can really see this taking off and when you want ill share it all over.

Very nice. Let me know if you are in need of development help with programming, JS, etc

Seems like an incredible tool for making a clear and swift shift in consciousness, and action, for all. This is so needed and necessary. Totally inspiring. Thank you!

Hello friends, First of all – wow, what a phenomenal page! Thank you for approving my request to join. I had first heard of the Settlers info project via some mutual facebook groups; needless to say, I promptly began investigating the website and other resources connected to this project. I am in the midst of finishing my undergraduate degree and thesis at a small university on unceded Sḵwx̱wú7mesh territory. My thesis concerns Indigenous-Settler relationships, Settler-identities, and decolonization.
I am looking forward to learning with you all, and thank you for letting me become involved!

Thank you for the add!
Really excited to read your work and see how I can use it here in Edmonton.
I have a question, have you formed collaborations across Canada?
I’m asking because I am Latina, I run a not for profit in Edmonton to help newcomers that come to our city but I also create initiatives to encourage dialogue.
For example, we’ve created a gathering at City Hall in order to educate our Latino community about our culture. As you know, Latinos have 2 colonization stories to unpack, one here in Canada [the one you are working on] and we also have our Spaniard colonization story. As you can imagine it’s an overwhelming huge undertaking but one we must must do.
We need to make sure we never forget how we got here, why and the piece of course that we were never taught is the Aboriginal piece.
My learnings have led me to have a deep respect, deep passion for unpacking the colonization story here in Canada and look for educators that can assist in that endeavour.
Our gathering is about not forgetting our roots because i’ve learned that forgetting our roots leads to entitlement and entitlement leads to discrimination and racism. When I look back that is how I was taught to view my world by my education.
And so in this gathering we have every four months we not only bring our cultural roots, our folklore, the NFPs that work to keep our culture alive here, we have the information tables and the cultural presentations but we also invite First Nations community organizations and Elders in order to help educate us because too many newcomers don’t know the truth and are not encouraged, nor guided to learn so we must educate ourselves.
In saying that, do you have connections here, an NFP that is collaborating with you from Edmonton that we can invite to the next gathering?
Thank you for the add and look forward to further learning! Blessings!

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