For the first time in Canadian History there is a Canadian Province Governed by two political parties that BOTH recognize and uphold Indigenous Sovereignty. This monumental paradigm shift was brought about by centuries of dedicated activism by Indigenous Leaders and Warriors and by many good Canadian Settlers. When the Parliament of Canada was first asked, in July 2016, ‘Do you recognize and uphold Indigenous Sovereignty?’ twenty-eight (28) honourable MPs stood up and said YES WE DO. Amongst the twenty-eight (28) honourable MPs, were two (2) Party leaders, the Right Honourable Thomas Mulcair and the Right Honourable Elizabeth May, who issued deeply moving and inspiring statements, which can be read here. These statements represent the very best of what it means to be a true Canadian. There is still much work ahead, much action required to end the oppression and racism imposed upon Indigenous Peoples, but instead of playing games with the truth we now have a strong foundation of THE TRUTH. tdah-kawk-nish yahts-tsook – We walk in truth.

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