Canadians have, whether they are aware of it or not, inherited a tacit superiority delusion which continues to facilitate negative thoughts, behaviours and actions which cause significant pain. We must END this superiority delusion together through truth, understanding and love, in short, by completing the tasks that were in fact the right thing to do in the first place.

When the first Europeans arrived, they should have taken the time to learn the Native languages, to understand the Native cultures, to integrate their ways of living respectfully and to pass it to the future generations. Instead, they have brutally forced the Aboriginal people to learn the English language, forbiding them to speak their own languages, damaged their culture and then renamed existing First Nation villages after random officers serving in the British Navy. The notion that this was acceptable behaviour was passed onto future generations through acceptance of the results of these ridiculous, unfair and criminal actions. Layers of false justification and symbols of identity were overlaid upon the cracks of any sense of morality and justice. Ignorant people allowed fear, laziness and a false sense of superiority to completely dominate their minds.

Today, the average Canadian Settler knows more about ice hockey then they do about First Nations people and culture. The average Canadian can’t speak a single sentence of a First Nations language. The average Canadian does not know how to spell the First Nations name of the area they are living in. The average Canadian has never even invited a single First Nations person over to their place for dinner. Canadians have, whether they are aware of it or not, inherited a tacit superiority delusion which continues to facilitate negative thoughts, behaviours and actions which cause significant pain. We must END this superiority delusion together through truth, understanding and love, in short, by completing the tasks that were in fact the right thing to do in the first place. It’s time to peel back the layers of false justification, connect to truth and deal with reality. We must take urgent corrective action to remedy past and current issues adversely affecting First Nations people. It will be an amazingly good and exciting thing to do.