Made by Canadians in order to continue their ongoing oppression of Indigenous Peoples.

FALSE CLAIM #1 – We want to protect Indigenous Women – we’re conducting a MMIW inquiry.

TRUTH: At the same time the Canadian Parliament is conducting an inquiry into why the Sovereignty of Indigenous Women is being violated, as evidenced by the thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous women, the majority of the Members of the Parliament of Canada remain SILENT about whether they themselves even recognize and uphold Indigenous Sovereignty. It’s akin to standing in a dark room asking why it’s so dark, as you have your finger on the light switch, in the OFF position. ABSOLUTE HYPOCRISY.

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. 

Members of Parliament who are SILENT about Indigenous Sovereignty.

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.

FALSE CLAIM #2 – We recognize Indigenous Nations.

TRUTH: First Nations are classified by Canada as Sociological Nations, simply a notion, completely separated and divorced from their rightful and inherent Sovereignty. When the Canadian Parliament was asked in July/August of 2016: “Do you recognize and uphold Indigenous Sovereignty?” the majority of the Canadian Members of Parliament chose to remain SILENT. View their responses here. 

UPDATE: June 04, 2017 – For the first time in Canadian History there is a Canadian Province Governed by two political parties that BOTH recognise and uphold Indigenous Sovereignty. This monumental paradigm shift was brought about by centuries of dedicated activism by Indigenous Leaders and Warriors and by many good Canadian Settlers.

FALSE CLAIM #3 – We honour Indigenous Peoples via UNDRIP, we really do.

TRUTH: When the United Nations Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by 143 member states of the United Nations, in 2007, Canada, along with the United States, Australia and New Zealand refused to adopt it. It would take Canada until 2016 to adopt UNDRIP. Since Canada adopted UNDRIP, “without qualification” additional delays have been put into place to stall the introduction of UNDRIP into Canadian Law. During this time numerous major resource projects are being approved WITHOUT Indigenous CONSENT. Canada does not honour Indigenous Peoples.

FALSE CLAIM #4 – Crown lands in Canada are controlled by the British Royal Family.

TRUTH: The Crown in Right of Canada is completely separate from the Crown in Right of Britain. Nobody in Britain thinks they own a square inch of Turtle Island. The hereditary AND democratically elected leader of Canada is Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Trudeau. Crown lands in Canada are 100% controlled and managed by the Canadian Government. Indigenous Peoples are not even allowed to see the Canadian computer system that controls land.  Click here to see how Indigenous ‘Crown’ lands are controlled by Canada.

FALSE CLAIM #5 – We’re decolonizing now, it’s a state of mind thing.

TRUTH: Decolonization happens when you actually MOVE out of the area being colonized. The fact is not a single Canadian has given their property to an Indigenous family.

UPDATE: May 12, 2017 : Non-Indigenous man, Kenneth Linde VERY honourably returned land to the Esk’etemc Sovereign Peoples. Esk’etemc Chief Charlene Belleau said “this is reconciliation in it’s best form”. Read about this here, click link.

Hundreds of thousands of new Settlers are arriving into Indigenous Sovereign territories each year, mostly from China, India and the Philippines and Indigenous Sovereign Nations are not even allowed to input into, let alone decide upon, the immigration policy. Click the globe to see the immigration FACTS.

FALSE CLAIM #6 – When it comes to land we embrace Indigenous values of sharing and if you disagree with this then you’re not decolonized.

TRUTH: Canada believes it owns 99.64% of the land base property of Canada. They have left Indigenous Peoples with less that half of 1 percent of the land base of Canada. Canada does not share in good faith with Indigenous Peoples at all. They just use the argument of sharing and decolonization when their ownership of property is threatened.

FALSE CLAIM #7 – We’re just trying to be FREE, like Indigenous People.

TRUTH: Canadians have imprisoned Indigenous Peoples with extreme prejudice. The numbers are staggering and shocking, even the Prime Minister of Canada has called the imprisonment of Indigenous Peoples a “FAR AND PROBLEMATIC OVERREPRESENTATION OF INDIGENOUS CANADIANS IN THE INCARCERATED POPULATIONS.”

FALSE CLAIM #8 – Apart from the British, we’re all refugees here escaping from tyranny.

TRUTH: There are refugees who have moved to Canada, but the vast majority of Canadians were born into a life of significant affluence and luxury, in comparison to countries dealing with real hardship. Across Canada, self-proclaimed “refugees” own multi-million dollar homes and drive luxury cars.

FALSE CLAIM #9 – We have always respected Indigenous Peoples.

TRUTH: In the spring of 2016, one of Canada’s Premiers admitted to the media that Indigenous Peoples have NEVER really been represented at the table AND then LAUGHED about it.

FALSE CLAIM #10 – We are changing.

TRUTH: During a recent visit by the British Royal Family a reconciliation event was manipulated together by the Canadian Government. This included asking Prince William to place a ring of reconciliation onto the black rod of Parliament. The very next day the Canadian Government approved a major fracking project within one of the most sensitive salmon habitats in the world, WITHOUT Indigenous CONSENT.

UDATE: July 25, 2017. The major fracking project, approved by the Canadian Government, the day after HRH Prince William’s black rod reconciliation ceremony has now been CANCELLED.

Black Rod Reconciliation Ceremony – Sept 26, 2016. 

Canadian Government approves massive fracking project – Sept 27, 2016. 

FALSE CLAIM #11 – The British are responsible for all the bad stuff.

TRUTH: The British Empire was wrong and it was ended by HRH Queen Elizabeth II. Canadian confederation took place in 1867. In 1982, the Canadian Constitution ended the final remaining authority of the British Parliament in Canada. All oppression of Indigenous Peoples occurring today is the responsibility of Canada and Canadians. The British people want justice for Indigenous Sovereign Nations.

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